Donate to Working America | Working America

Donate to Working America

While the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting economic fallout have created new, unexpected challenges for Working America’s organizing goals, we can’t be deterred. This public health crisis and the demonstrations surrounding the killing of George Floyd has made it abundantly clear that uniting millions around the cause of social and economic justice is more important than ever.

Working America is poised to contact more than 3 million people in 10 battleground states where we already have millions of members: Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. These are unprecedented times, but what Working America knows how to do best is how to build engagement and reach people open to our message in these states to win in 2020. But we need your help right now to make this happen.

Our strategic program targeted at Working America members yields 3-5x the impact of a generic program to the general public. That’s why it’s important to invest in Working America as soon as possible.

Your donations are critical to making sure we meet this moment and its challenges head-on.