Chip in Now to Stand Up for Working People
Working people need a voice more than ever and Working America is making that happen.
Working people need a voice more than ever and Working America is making that happen.
Lynette Staplefoote
I’m writing in opposition to the bill being considered in the N.C. General Assembly called Carolina Cares that many recently protested in Raleigh. Under this plan, Medicaid recipients would be required to work.
In 2000, I became unable to work. This led to a deep depression, resulting in me qualifying for and receiving SSI, food stamps and Medicaid. If I could work, I would be working. In fact, I find this Carolina Cares bill insulting. It makes no sense to me that I would choose to survive off $735 a month if I could be making that much, or more, per week if I worked.
My goal is to return to work full-time as soon as possible. Losing my medical benefits would hinder that process in so many ways. Requiring me and many other Medicaid recipients to work or lose their benefits would be a step backward for all concerned.
This letter to the editor was submitted by Working America member Lynette Staplefoote and published on June 4, 2017 in the Greensboro News & Record.
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