2024 Election Scorecard: NV-04 | Working America

2024 Election Scorecard: NV-04

Who is on your side?

Democrat Steven Horsford Republican John Lee

Democrat Steven Horsford The Issue Republican John Lee
Steven Horsford voted to expand the Child Tax Credit. The Expanded Child Tax Credit: Our community is full of families. In fact, 23 percent of our community’s residents are children. The expanded Child Tax Credit provided up to $3,600 per child, lifting millions of families out of poverty. John Lee opposes an expansion of the Child Tax Credit, according to news sources.
Steven Horsford protected rental assistance and first-time homebuyer programs that Republicans tried to cut with their Limit, Save, Grow Act, protecting critical benefits for working families. Making Housing Affordable: About 17 percent of people in this community can barely afford the cost of housing. The Republican’s “Limit, Save, Grow Act” would have resulted in an estimated 2 million people being blocked from getting the federal rental assistance they need to obtain or maintain stable housing. John Lee wants to reduce or eliminate rental assistance programs for struggling families, according to news sources.
Steven Horsford supported the Inflation Reduction Act, which capped insulin costs to $35 a month for seniors on Medicare. Making Insulin Cheaper: Our community struggles with higher than usual rates of diabetes. In fact, 11 percent of people here live with the condition. The Inflation Reduction Act capped the soaring price of insulin, a lifesaving medication for people with diabetes, at $35 a month. John Lee cannot be relied on to support reauthorizing measures like the Inflation Reduction Act that cap insulin and other health costs to save Americans millions, according to news sources.


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