A new year will bring new changes and new challenges. One way to get ready is to start the new year with a safe and secure home for you and your family.
To help our members get ready for the new year, we’ve put together some free tools and resources below to help get your home ready for the new year.
Use this free tool to make a family emergency plan
Do you have a plan for what to do in case of an emergency, like a fire or flood? Do your kids know where they should meet you? Do you have important information like your mother’s prescriptions and your child’s pediatrician all written down in one central place?
Use this free tool below from the federal government’s emergency preparedness program. It will walk you through the information you need to form a complete family emergency plan, and then send you an easy-to-print version.
Make your home safe for winter with this home fire safety guide
Winter is when most home fires happen, often because of unsafe home heaters. But there are easy things all of us can do to make our homes more safe and make fires less likely.
Click the button below to open a free guide from the U.S. Fire Administration on home fire safety.
If you can’t pay your heating bill, the government may be able to help
With winter approaching, it’s important to make sure you have enough heat to get through the cold months. Electric and gas bills can go up fast, and it can be tough to make ends meet.
That’s why the government offers help with your energy bills. LIHEAP (the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) is a federal program that supports households with low incomes across the U.S. It’s not just about paying bills—it can also help you weatherize your home, make energy-efficient upgrades, and more.
Click the button below to go to Working America’s LIHEAP guide where you can learn whether your family is eligible for LIHEAP, how to apply, and more.
Get credit counseling
If you’re having trouble paying your bills on a regular basis, and would like to speak one-on-one with a financial coach, Working America can help. For a free one-on-one consultation with a financial coach, please complete the form below and someone from
If you are facing or anticipate facing financial challenges and a nonprofit financial counselor will contact you:
Learn more with these free resources
Whether it’s tips on how to prepare for floods and blizzards, a guide on what should go into a basic first-aid kit, or suggestions for what to do during a power outage, the federal government’s “Ready” program provides lots of free tools and guides on how to prepare for disasters and unexpected events. Here’s just a few of the things you can find there:
- How to build a “go bag” – A downloadable list of everything you need to make a disaster supplies kit for you and your family.
- “Ready Kids” – A site with games and resources for teaching your kids how to get ready for emergencies.
- Tips on how to get your home and car #WinterReady
- A comprehensive guide you can print at home with advice on how to prepare for almost any emergency.
The fight ahead
Many of the programs that help working families could face changes or even total shutdown in the months ahead. Working America will be joining our allies in fighting for a fair economy and a government that gives working families what they deserve. Our strength comes from you – our members. Only by acting together can we fight back against the greedy corporations and their friends.
We’re asking all Working Americans to pledge to stay informed about what our leaders are doing about a fair economy and protecting consumers. Sign up here if you pledge to be part of that fight and if you want Working America updates and opportunities about a fair economy.
We know that these are uncertain times, and many of us are concerned about the future. Go to workingamerica.org/gethelp for more guides and tips on navigating the economy and preparing for the unknown.