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Working people need a voice more than ever and Working America is making that happen.
Working people need a voice more than ever and Working America is making that happen.
Are you stuck in a rut at work?
Books and movies are full of tales where the hero rises from the mailroom to the boardroom. But it usually doesn’t work that way in real life. Too often, when you try to “scale the corporate ladder,” you find the scales tipped against you, and wind up stuck on the bottom rung.
Upward mobility ain’t what it used to be. Recent studies show that it is easier to “move on up” in European countries than in the U.S., and “42 percent of American men raised in the bottom fifth of incomes stay there as adults.” And that’s just for the men! Most women in the workplace are familiar with the concept of the “glass ceiling” – the inability to get promoted beyond a certain level. That ceiling is no myth: almost half of the “Fortune 1000” companies have no women executives at all .
Who does get promoted? Well, The Brookings Institute reports , “People do move up and down the ladder, both over their careers and between generations, but it helps if you have the right parents.”
Of course, that’s not what you want to hear. Promotions should be based on merit, not on who your relatives are, or your gender or race. Getting a promotion is recognition for a job well done – and it also usually means you have a little more money in your pocket at the end of the month.
How to get the promotion you deserve.
Getting together: Promotions – and who gets them – can often set worker against worker, but it is important to remember that we’ll all be better off if there is opportunity and fairness in the workplace. That means a transparent system for who gets ahead, based on objective, measurable criteria that everyone knows about in advance.
This is particularly important if you think there is a specific group of you (because of gender, race, religion or another factor) being passed over for promotions. You can have more impact on your employer when you act together.
Unfair vs. illegal: It might be unfair if other people at work are getting promotions and you are not, but it’s not necessarily illegal. Private employers generally promote whoever they want. But…
Article: What to Do When You’’re Denied a Promotion, U.S. News & World Report
Government Report: The role of gender in job promotions , from The Bureau of Labor Statistics
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