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Working people need a voice more than ever and Working America is making that happen.
The air here stinks…is it making me sick?
Sometimes you’ve just gotta make a big stink…about a big stink.
Days spent in a workplace with bad air quality can make your life a living hell…or at least smell like the sulfuric stew we associate with Hell. But foul air can go beyondunpleasant…it can be dangerous.
You don’t even have to actually smell anything to suffer from bad air quality – carbon monoxide, for instance, is an odorless but deadly gas.
The potential consequences of these risks vary from respiratory illness to cancer to – in the case of carbon monoxide – brain damage and death.
What to do about bad air quality
If you have any suspicion that there is bad air quality in your workplace, you might well have to cover your face with a mask… but at the same time you have to open your mouth to speak out about the problem.
First things first: Evaluate the situation. The American Lung Association points to various scenarios requiring immediate response:
Sometimes, though, the warning signs might not be so obvious. So monitor other factors: Have your eyes been stinging at work? Your throat feel raw? Your breath short? Skin itchy? Is there a stench in the air?
If so, talk to your co-workers. Are any of them consistently experiencing the same symptoms you are? If so, it is likely the result of the work environment. And you can now strategize and take action as a group. (Not only is there power in numbers, there’s also safety: U.S. labor law ordinarily offers protection to two or more private sector employees trying to address workplace issues.)
Talk to a doctor or health care provider. This is serious stuff, and you’ve got to take care of yourself. Remember to write down everything the doctor tells you.
If you are a union member, talk to your union rep, because this may be an issue that affects other workers beyond your floor or department.
By law, your employer is responsible for workplace safety. The boss is required to:
So talk to the boss. If your boss is full of hot air and doesn’t seem concerned about your health, remind him or her that a healthy work environment is a productivework environment. In fact, research shows that worker performance improves with better ventilation.
And if your boss is still giving you the stink-eye, it might be time to make a stink to a higher-up in the organization. If no one is willing to take action, you can file a complaint with the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). You can do it confidentially, if you choose. If you are in a state that has an OSHA-approved state program, you can contact that program. And if there is any imminent danger to life and limb, call this number now: 1-800-321-OSHA.
Of course, you might still be wondering:
Federal Agency: Indoor Air Quality, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Organization: Healthy Air at Work, American Lung Association
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