2024 Election Scorecard: KS-03 | Working America

2024 Election Scorecard: KS-03

Who is on your side?

Democrat Sharice Davids Republican Prasanth Reddy

Democrat Sharice Davids The Issue Republican Prasanth Reddy
Sharice Davids voted to expand the Child Tax Credit. The Expanded Child Tax Credit: Our community is full of families. In fact, 24 percent of our community’s residents are children. The expanded Child Tax Credit provided up to $3,600 per child, lifting millions of families out of poverty. Prasanth Reddy opposes an expansion of the Child Tax Credit, according to news sources.
Sharice Davids voted for the American Rescue Plan, which expanded the Affordable Care Act to make affordable insurance available to more people. Making Health Care Affordable: There are still too many people without health insurance in our community. In fact, 7 percent of people here are uninsured, more than most other communities. The American Rescue plan expanded the Affordable Care Act (Also called the ACA or Obamacare) that provides access to affordable insurance and protects Americans with pre-existing conditions. Prasanth Reddy cannot be relied on to support the Affordable Care Act or stand against efforts to repeal it, according to news sources.
Sharice Davids has voted in support of student loan forgiveness, helping over 4 million Americans escape crushing debt, including nurses, firefighters, and teachers. Student Loan Debt: Too many people in our community are struggling with debt. On average, for every $10,000 someone here makes annually, they carry 11,900 in total debt. That’s why government measures to reduce student loan debt are so critical here. Prasanth Reddy would block any attempts to renew or expand student loan forgiveness programs, leaving millions of Americans struggling, according to news sources.


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