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Who is on your side? Tim Walz or Jeff Johnson


Affordable Health Care for Every Minnesotan

In Congress, Tim Walz introduced legislation to create an affordable public option on the health care marketplace. Walz supports a “shift to a single-payer system,” and as governor will expand MinnesotaCare enrollment for lowerincome Minnesotans and address rising health care costs. (H.R. 4129, introduced 10/25/17; Star Tribune, 7/11/18; Pioneer Press, 11/29/17)

More than 744,000 Minnesotans have a pre-existing condition like asthma or diabetes, yet Jeff Johnson has consistently opposed the health care reform that has given protections to those people. Johnson wants to return to a program that he acknowledged would raise costs for those with pre-existing conditions. (Star Tribune, 5/13/17; Pioneer Press, 08/25/13; Group-E Minnesota, accessed 8/15/18; Brainerd Dispatch, 11/15/17)

Strengthening Public Education

A former high school teacher, Tim Walz is dedicated to students and public education. In Congress, he introduced bipartisan legislation to fully fund education for children with disabilities and fought to freeze interest rates for student loans, earning him the endorsement of more than 80,000 Minnesota teachers and education support professionals. (Pioneer Press, 5/10/18; Education Minnesota, 5/19/18; Education Week, 6/15/17; Post Bulletin, 6/20/13)

Jeff Johnson has been an advocate of bringing school vouchers to Minnesota. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, studies have shown that from 1991 to 2015, 41% of all private schools participating in the Milwaukee private school voucher program failed and went out of business. (Star Tribune, 7/30/18; Wisconsin Education Association Council, 6/16/16).

Safer Roads and Bridges

In Congress, Tim Walz supported a bipartisan infrastructure deal that protected or created 2.8 million American jobs and he is working to bridge the transit and transportation rural-urban divide. Walz understands we need to address transit and our 709 structurally deficient bridges. That’s why as governor he wants to create an infrastructure bank to support these muchneeded projects. (ARTBA, accessed 7/30/18; National Association of Development Organizations, 6/28/12; Cornell University, 11/8/11; MPR, 7/25/18)

Currently 6 out of 10 of the most structurally deficient bridges are in Ramsey and Hennepin counties, but while serving in the state Legislature, Jeff Johnson joined then-Gov. Tim Pawlenty in blocking a bipartisan transportation bill. (Alliance for American Manufacturing, 10/15/14; HF 2461, Minnesota State Legislature, 5/12/05; HF 2461, accessed 8/15/18)

Your vote is a personal decision. Working America has done the research and found that Tim Walz is the best choice for governor. Prepared and paid for by the Working America Minnesota Political Committee, 815 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20006, in support of Tim Walz. This is an independent expenditure not circulated on behalf of any candidate or ballot committee. MNTC-101-18.



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