Georgia | Working America

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198,000+ Members

Since 2008, Working America’s history in the Peach State includes mobilizing our 200,000 members to fight for affordable housing and fair wages

Featured Research

Front Porch Focus Group Report

It’s Not Just the Vibes — How the Economic Recovery Is and Is Not Translating to Working-Class Voters

We’re hearing a lot of talk about how 2024 is “the vibes election,” meaning voters seem to be driven by negative perceptions of the economy that don’t necessarily match up with the big-picture economic data, which has been largely positive.

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The Verdict from the Voters in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin


Following the conviction in New York of former President Trump on 34 counts related to falsifying business records, we asked 300 Working America canvass organizers to report back what they heard from voters about the conviction. 


It's Not Just the Vibes - How the Economic Recovery Is And Is Not Translating to Working-Class Voters


As always when trying to understand presidential politics, the headlines written in DC and New York will ultimately be less impactful than the perspective of working-class voters in swing states. It’s the vibes of these voters that will decide the election.


Message from the Field: Happy Birthday Working America


Twenty years ago today, Working America organizers knocked our first door and held our first face-to-face conversations in Cleveland, Ohio.  



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