Chip in Now to Stand Up for Working People
Working people need a voice more than ever and Working America is making that happen.
Working people need a voice more than ever and Working America is making that happen.
LOUISVILLE, KY – In the 11 weeks leading up to the Kentucky gubernatorial election, Working America anticipates visiting 30,000 likely voters’ homes across the state, including Jefferson and Fayette. Working America also plans on digitally engaging with its 114,000 in-state members in support of AFL-CIO-endorsed Democrat Andy Beshear.
“Kentuckians hold the key to nationally important questions on issues like affordable health care and the direction of the economy, and are looking for someone who will fight for them,” said Matt Morrison, executive director of Working America @MattMorrisonWA. “Thanks to our evidence-based targeting and our well-trained organizers, we know how to connect with and move this critical, up-for-grabs electorate.”
Earlier this spring, Working America published an assessment about how progressives can win working-class voters. Specifically, the brief included where voters are most persuadable in Kentucky; telling survey findings about jobs, the economy, Social Security and health care; and proven strategies progressives can employ.
Building on those survey findings from earlier this year, these upcoming face-to-face conversations will provide unique insights about what’s on the mind of working-class Kentucky voters. Working America’s trained canvassers will connect with voters on issues that are important to them, and then connect those issues to the upcoming election and Andy Beshear. Post-election, Working America will use this information to continue to build relationships and to organize members around the issues they care about.
The 2019 gubernatorial race could offer a roadmap for progressives ahead of the 2020 election. Robust evidence shows Working America’s canvass contact has long-term, positive effects on turnout for four years after contact. For Working America, this means sizeable organizing efforts starting today will win votes in November 2020.
With more than 3 million members nationwide, Working America reaches working-class voters via a professional canvass to mobilize them to fight for good jobs and a fair economy. In Kentucky, Working America has organized more than 114,000 members and been active in dozens of gubernatorial, state house and federal elections stretching back to 2007.
Working America believes it’s essential to set in place a roadmap for a large-scale and sustained political realignment that brings more working-class voices into politics.
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